f you are looking to buy honey from Bulgaria you might face one of the common problems associated with the importation of honey to countries outside the European Union. If you need to export to countries like UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc. contact us and we can help you expand your business. Amerov Honey use production line, which is compliant with all international standards and modern technical parameters.
Another challenge commented In the European Bee Week, by experts in Brussels is that 30% of the honey offered at the market does not have the necessary qualities.
Can we do anything about it? Sure we can! All the quality analyses we made are at Intertek and Minerva - World Recognized Certified Bodies. Nonetheless all the incoming raw material is checked with in-house laboratory as well. Amerov Honey is one of the best quality European honeys. Thanks to the rich plant species and preserved nature, bees collect acacia, linden, lavender, forest and wildflower honey with unique flavor and great quality along with over 500 wild herbs rich in bee pollen.